

By Mia Smith

Rimworld Ancient Exostrider – Appearance, Location, & Activation

The Rimworld Ancient Exostrider is a curious and powerful mechanoid found in the game Rimworld. It has a unique appearance that makes it stand out from other creatures in the game, and players are often curious about where to find it and how to activate it.

Whether you’re a seasoned RimWorld pro or just starting out, stick around. You’ll learn how to turn these ancient war machines from a deadly threat into your colony’s secret weapon. Trust me, it’s worth the ride. 

In this guide, we’ll explore the Exostrider’s look, where you can locate it in the game, and the steps you need to take to bring it to life. 

What Is Ancient Exostrider In RimWorld?

The Ancient Exostrider is a colossal mechanoid behemoth introduced in the Biotech DLC for RimWorld. This towering relic of a long-forgotten war stands as a formidable challenge for even the most seasoned colony managers. 

Imagine stumbling upon a massive robotic creature, dormant for centuries, just waiting to be awakened, that’s the Exostrider in a nutshell. But don’t let its ancient status fool you. 

The Exostrider packs a punch that could send your carefully crafted colony back to the stone age if you’re not prepared. It’s not just another enemy to defeat; it’s a game-changing encounter that can reshape your entire RimWorld experience. 

With its massive health pool and devastating firepower, the Exostrider serves as both a thrilling boss fight and a potential source of incredible rewards for those brave (or foolish) enough to take it on.

Ancient Exostrider Appearance


Picture a mechanical giant that would make even the bravest colonist think twice about approaching. The Ancient Exostrider is a sight to behold, with its imposing stature and intricate design reflecting the advanced technology of a bygone era.

Its body is composed of several distinct parts: a menacing head equipped with advanced sensors, a sturdy midsection housing its core systems, powerful legs capable of crushing obstacles, and a devastating cannon that could turn your defenses into swiss cheese. 

The Exostrider’s appearance isn’t just to show every aspect of its design serves a purpose. The weathered metal plating and ancient insignias hint at its long history, while the still-functional components showcase the durability of its construction. 

It’s a perfect blend of form and function, designed to strike fear into the hearts of its opponents while efficiently carrying out its original purpose as a war machine. The attention to detail in its design adds depth to the RimWorld universe, making players wonder about the civilization that created such a formidable mechanoid.

The Awe-Inspiring Design

When you first lay eyes on an Ancient Exostrider, you can’t help but feel a mix of awe and trepidation. Its design is a testament to the artistic vision of the RimWorld developers, who have managed to create a mechanoid that feels both alien and somehow familiar. 

The way light glints off its metal surfaces and the ominous glow of its sensors contribute to an atmosphere of ancient mystery and lurking danger.

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Ancient Exostrider Location

Finding an Ancient Exostrider is like stumbling upon buried treasure if that treasure could also vaporize your colony. These mechanoid relics are typically found in ancient ruins scattered across the RimWorld landscape. 

You won’t spot them just lounging around in the open; they’re usually hidden away, waiting for unsuspecting explorers to awaken them. Keep an eye out for suspicious-looking structures or areas that seem a bit too quiet; that’s often where the Exostrider lurks. 

The spawn locations of Exostriders aren’t random. They’re influenced by factors like map conditions, your colony’s wealth, and the difficulty settings of your game. If you’re itching for a challenge, cranking up the difficulty might increase your chances of encountering one of these mechanical monstrosities. 

But be warned: finding an Exostrider is just the beginning of your troubles. Make sure your colony is well-prepared before you go poking around in ancient ruins.

Preparing for the Hunt

Before you set out to find an Ancient Exostrider, you’ll want to make sure your colony is ready for the fight of its life. Stock up on your best weapons, especially those with armor-piercing capabilities. 

EMP grenades can be a lifesaver when dealing with mechanoids, so craft plenty of those. Don’t forget to upgrade your colonists’ armor – you’ll need all the protection you can get.

Activating The Ancient Exostrider


Waking up an Ancient Exostrider isn’t as simple as poking it with a stick (though that’s not recommended either). The activation process is a multi-stage affair that’ll keep you on your toes. First, you’ll need to locate and destroy the Exostrider’s head component. 

This might sound counterintuitive, but it’s necessary to trigger the next phase. Once the head is toast, you’ll be rewarded with some valuable steel slag chunks, a nice bonus for your trouble. But the real prize lies in the midsection. 

Destroying this part will reveal the coveted mechanoid transponder. This isn’t just another piece of scrap; it’s your ticket to unlocking the secrets of mechanoid control. Bring the transponder back to your research bench and start the decryption process. 

Be warned each step of this activation process comes with its own set of challenges and dangers. You’re not just solving a puzzle; you’re awakening a war machine that’s been itching for a fight for centuries.

Dangers Of The Ancient Exostrider

Let’s not sugarcoat it: taking on an Ancient Exostrider is like picking a fight with a sentient tank. These mechanoids are equipped with weapons that can turn your best fighters into piles of ash in seconds. 

Their thick armor can shrug off all but the most powerful attacks, and their advanced targeting systems mean they rarely miss. When you destroy the midsection to get that precious mechanoid transponder, be prepared for a spectacular explosion and the swarm of hostile mechanoids that follows. 

But the danger doesn’t end with the Exostrider itself. Once you decrypt the transponder, you’ll trigger a quest that brings a whole new level of threat. A ship full of angry mechanoids will descend upon your colony, hell-bent on reclaiming their ancient technology. 

This isn’t just a skirmish; it’s an all-out war that will test every aspect of your colony’s defenses and your skills as a manager. Make sure you have plenty of firepower, a solid defensive strategy, and maybe a backup plan (or three) before you commit to this fight.

Ancient Exostrider Abilities and Uses

The Ancient Exostrider isn’t just a big target for your colonists to shoot at, it’s a walking arsenal with a range of devastating abilities. Its primary weapon is a high-powered cannon that can demolish structures and turn groups of attackers into craters. 

But that’s not all; the Exostrider also comes equipped with secondary weapons for close-range combat, making it a threat at any distance. Its heavy armor allows it to shrug off damage that would destroy lesser mechanoids, while its advanced targeting systems ensure that every shot counts. 

But here’s where it gets really interesting: if you manage to defeat an Exostrider and decrypt its mechanoid transponder, you open up a whole new world of possibilities. Successful completion of the subsequent quest can grant one of your colonists mechanitor powers, allowing them to control and command mechanoids. 

Imagine having your own mechanoid army at your beck and call, ready to defend your colony or expand your territory. The Exostrider isn’t just an enemy to be vanquished; it’s a key to unlocking some of the most powerful abilities in the game.

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Strategies for Using the Ancient Exostrider

Taking down an Ancient Exostrider requires more than just throwing your colonists at it and hoping for the best. A successful strategy often involves a multi-pronged approach. Start by setting up a killbox or defensive position that forces the Exostrider into a vulnerable position. 

Use your best sharpshooters with armor-piercing weapons to target weak points, while other colonists provide suppressing fire or use EMP weapons to temporarily disable it. Remember, the Exostrider’s size can work against it and use terrain and obstacles to your advantage, creating choke points where you can concentrate your fire. 

If you’re lucky enough to gain control of an Exostrider (or other mechanoids through mechanitor powers), you’ve got a whole new set of strategic options. Use your mechanical allies to bolster your colony’s defenses, sending them to deal with threats that would be too dangerous for your human colonists. 

They can also be invaluable for resource gathering, able to work tirelessly in conditions that would be lethal to humans. Just remember that controlling mechanoids requires careful management they’re powerful tools, but they come with their own set of challenges and resource requirements.

Incredible Rewards Await


Defeating an Ancient Exostrider is no small feat, but the rewards are well worth the effort. Apart from the immediate loot of steel slag chunks and advanced components, you’ll gain access to the mechanoid transponder

This rare item is your key to unlocking the mechanitor questline, potentially granting one of your colonists the ability to control mechanoids. Imagine having a loyal mechanoid army at your disposal, ready to defend your colony or carry out dangerous tasks. 

But the benefits don’t stop there. Successfully completing the mechanitor quest line can dramatically change your gameplay experience. Your newly empowered colonist can repair and even craft mechanoids, giving you a significant edge in both defense and production. 

The knowledge gained from studying the Exostrider can also lead to research breakthroughs, unlocking new technologies that can revolutionize your colony. In essence, conquering an Ancient Exostrider isn’t just about overcoming a tough enemy, it’s about opening up a whole new dimension of gameplay possibilities.

About RimWorld

RimWorld is more than just a game; it’s a story generator set against the backdrop of a hostile alien world. Created by Ludeon Studios, this sci-fi colony sim has captured the hearts of millions with its deep, emergent gameplay and endless possibilities. 

RimWorld is about guiding a group of colonists as they struggle to survive and thrive on a distant planet. Every game is unique, thanks to the AI storyteller that throws challenges and opportunities your way, creating a narrative that’s never the same twice. 

The addition of the Biotech DLC has expanded the game’s scope even further, introducing complex systems like genetics, mechanoids, and reproduction. The Ancient Exostrider is just one example of the depth this DLC adds to the game. 

Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the RimWorld universe, there’s always something new to discover, some new challenge to overcome, or some new story to unfold. It’s this depth and replayability that has made RimWorld a staple in the strategy gaming community.

Last Words

There you have it, the Ancient Exostrider in RimWorld. It’s a big, scary robot that can either wreck your day or make your colony super powerful. Finding one is like hitting the jackpot, but with extra danger thrown in.

Whether you’re itching for a fight or dreaming of commanding your own robot army, the Exostrider’s got something for you. Just remember to bring your A-game and maybe a few extra guns.

Next time you’re playing RimWorld, keep an eye out for these metal giants. Who knows? You might end up with the coolest story to share with your gaming buddies.

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